Digital Nirvana Member Collections
Date Posted: 11/24/01    Time: 10:00PM EST    Posted by: Mitch Vassar

This page lists the members in the Digital Nirvana forums who have chosen to make a list of their original nirvana bootleg CDs public information.  This list is dynamically generated, meaning that it contains names accurate to the moment you loaded this page.

These lists are for INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY.  There is no selling or advertising allowed.  People often spend a lot of time creating trade lists to publish on the Internet, this is an easier and more accurate way to make this information available.

If you would like to publish you collection, please follow these steps:

  • Register as a member in the Digital Nirvana forums.  If you are already a member of the Digital Nirvana forums you will need to edit your profile in order to allow readers to view your bootleg collection. 
  • You will now need to create your bootleg own and want lists.  You may do this here, login is required.
  • Once you have submitted your list, your name and a link to your profile will be listed here!
  • If you make your e-mail address available in the DN forums, it will be listed in your profile.
  • I do NOT intend to create specific lists to display WHICH people own WHICH discs - this might encourage other collectors to spam people with trade requests. Please don't do this, it's very cool for folks to share their lists with the world. Thanks!
  • Creating a fake list and/or fake username is regarded in the same way as a person spamming the DN forums. Please don't do it.
Submitted Lists
003    ^blandest^
014    67kurdt94
103    78manu
014    87Mustang
031    achillisdog
001    Adam
003    Adam2
017    aeditigs
030    Aero Zeppelin
018    ahele
017    aicrob
008    alexkill69
076    Alice In Chains
023    alli
003    Alou_77
025    AlucardCobain
009    americanenglish
009    ampersand2001
013    analognirvana
024    Anders Leirvik IV
014    andrewquarterstaff
005    Aneurysmtw
022    anorexorcist
006    apeshallnotkill
039    aqueronte
062    ariedam
003    art1976
002    asfan72737489
011    Asmodeus81
003    austin
034    Austrian-Fan
038    axl
006    aynsoph
010    bambi
005    BattleBot656
011    Bersa I
010    Big Cheese
008    Big Muff
014    bill rice
004    Billmelater
013    bishop
002    blade10w40
024    BleachedBlack
028    Bleem
014    blm1975
005    BLMAR311
031    blubblub
006    bob
080    Bobby
009    BobC420
001    bobinson_Crusow
032    bonecrusher99
002    Bongwater
010    BOTtoNka
025    boudewijn
040    breener
015    brian817
001    BurtCokain
038    Cale
005    cazza
006    cdickjew
006    celtic
163    CharlesH
003    cherry antacids
013    chibiter
037    Chim-Chim
032    Chito LowDose
011    Chris Jenkins
008    CJKL-man
002    Claire
028    Clay
004    closerresearch
013    Cobain_Clone
005    Cobana
007    cobane
004    corcan3
005    Corey
005    Corren32X
001    Creepartpd
031    crist_8526
081    curmudgeon1979
009    d_freckelton
050    Damien Rockwell
027    danielbueno
010    danzigman
020    dardan
020    DASH
007    Dave86
025    david_j
007    davidkroon
001    Debaser
009    demon666
001    DigitalPimp
022    dimwizard
085    discodeck
004    Dive in me
081    DJ
001    dkanarchy53
039    doctor robert
023    dr_terror
007    Drgonzo91
055    dumb
001    Eclipse
013    Eddy Beeches
001    Eddy Kueto
008    ejcampbell
045    emenius0sleepus
025    endlessman
089    EndlessNameless
003    Enis In Furs
012    EveninhisYouth
017    EvilDead
043    fan89
008    fbx1
001    feelium
014    Fehon
001    Fender Bender
178    Ferenc Puskas
003    filmmker
007    flipper88
001    foosruleben
035    Fred
002    freddy
012    fugazi007
015    Gabriel_35
013    gez
041    ginachu
003    Graham
012    Greedo2000
001    greenguy
001    gregory88
007    Gros BEN
001    grungeboy409
006    GrungeDietGrrrl
125    GrungeFab
011    grungy
001    GrungyPunk
002    guitaristman5
036    Hans
008    harez
007    HARSKE
004    hdubzthug
004    heartagram
002    heavierthankurt
001    Heavily Sedated
013    HeyWait
018    hgelpke
008    HomersHero
003    hugozal
005    HumanTorch
012    hurts
011    iambonzo87
009    Ian
001    IF I MUST
006    iggiepopped
001    ikell
054    IMissTheOne
006    InsaneCobain
022    JacobD
014    jaded dragon 27
011    jaffenlarssonth
005    jamesthedrummer
004    jcenderle@yahoo
003    Jean
017    Jeremy Little
004    jimbodeako
002    Jimmi
025    Jimmy Kilmister
014    jimmythehorse
023    jllundy
017    JMiller
018    jochemvanwerven
012    jodhi
037    johmpa
099    John E
017    john tierney
012    John_Cobain
026    johnhaup
011    johnnyDenmark
001    Jon Harris
016    jonas1111
071    Jr.
057    jscollins
020    JSusi
010    Julien
009    Juxtapose
002    k server
020    Kalvya-92
005    kaputt
024    katatoniac
012    kdc94
030    Keatsian
011    kees
005    Kev
016    kim moore
024    Kingbeeswax
006    KingRMJ
026    KlinGon
001    Kortom
020    kpl24
032    Kuhln
001    Kurdt Kobain
007    kurdtcobain
240    KURKO
004    kurkoarg
020    KuRL
011    kurt4594
009    kurtco
009    kurtcobainrip
029    KurtD94
061    kurtkosher
002    Kurts Genocide
167    Lars Zimmer
018    Lassic
010    lb33knight
037    lechu
038    lennie
001    LET
004    linus
009    Lithium
003    Lithiumhead
004    little_nadd
006    livetradeuk
008    Localbum24
092    lokalfuz
007    lonelywinter
018    Love_buzz_no1
001    luminus
006    Mage
093    makers888
001    manateebound
002    mandel
007    MarcMelfi
006    Mark Simms
010    MarshallMathers
006    Matze
027    mccoist77
002    mdkope12
001    Meisterficker
050    MethylBenzoate
001    mijlee
146    minor threat
124    Mitch
010    Mitchell
021    MN Rocker
008    moderate rocker
009    modtang
033    Monotono
007    mooed
002    Morphy
024    Mr.moustache
001    mrmusic
011    mudditt
011    muffinislaw
002    MurderByGuitar
004    muskaMP
003    muzak
015    myk999
022    Nacho
003    Nate
001    Nate27
096    Negative Grape
055    negativecreep
007    negativecreep-1
260    neo666
006    Nicklas...
004    NIelsRVANA
010    Nightwing
004    nikinirvana
005    Nikki_Sixx
013    Niklas
011    nirv4
005    nirvain
002    Nirvana - Rare
004    nirvana fan7509
025    nirvana183
038    nirvana56
004    nirvanaaic67
002    nirvanabrasil
038    nirvanacreep
012    Nirvanafan56
008    NirvanaFan94
148    NirvanaLive
022    nirvanamobile
046    nirvanarox
026    Nirvanarules
044    Niteshade
003    Nixon
009    Noisemaker
051    nothing4u
032    NutsatBU
005    nweber
003    Nyeh
003    olaf
006    Olly
013    palidor13
020    panos
021    paper cuts
034    PaRaSiT3
006    Parker
034    pascal
017    Paul Napper
017    pave9000
025    Pawel
019    Payedtobeplayed
018    pe9er
002    pelagius42
001    Pen Cap Chew
071    PennyroyalBeer
004    perseo1984
008    peterwatts23
009    peti
012    Pexolhos
006    phil
018    pixiemeat885
017    polvotone1
015    popcb
017    powdertoastman
002    priority76
008    ProjectD
020    prozac32
020    Pugsley
009    pumpkinjay89
011    PuppetMaster
018    Pyry K
003    Quazievil
006    Quazo
025    randallratstrat
007    RavenEffect
024    Rene
014    rennt82
002    reuben
002    Revolver
001    rggkjg1
007    Rijo27
013    roberto
002    robs
003    rockgoddess
004    rockinrockrockrock
013    roguemazar
017    Ron
001    RubDMC
091    Ryan
007    Ryan Paredez
013    sad lite
030    Sal
130    sammo
001    sandmanatollah
025    Sapped
003    Sappy 13
002    Sappy Daniel
002    sappy_aneurysm
009    sappy52169
013    sappy6794
002    Sappyboy
010    Sceennames88
004    Scentless
002    schopper54
001    Scoff
006    ScottishDave
010    Scratch Diamond
002    SD
009    Seattlekurt
092    Sebastian
003    Sedge
007    Shaun
028    shinkibo
015    shotfromthehip
003    Silly Billy
067    simonj79
001    SinkaN
002    sjogro
015    Skateastro4
076    skywalkr
004    slacker
013    slackerbitch
013    sliver85
001    SLTSTMS
003    Smiler
021    snatch
004    snowmonkey33
004    soilruk
043    southpawkrupp
002    Spiderbilly
184    spikey20
011    StayAway94
020    Stefan Herzog
090    stephen
019    steve
157    Steve Avramovich
001    steve12194
011    Stevee
003    Studio_king21
008    subrosa
001    SubZero
021    sunnyfox
061    Sushiman2
001    swann
043    TamuBro
009    tangytoad
025    tbic
001    TedEdFred
012    teenspirit
040    terman1
009    territorialpiss
025    tezzwah
014    thanost81
021    the priest
027    The RFUS
008    thedejablues
002    thegorm
011    thewalrus
056    Thieu55
006    thursday
002    tigermilk
036    Tim Bucknall
008    tjXhc
004    Tkj86
126    Toast
022    tomo3o
008    TopperHarley
005    Totalled
001    Totally Loser
001    toymachine12
015    Tribe24
203    turk007
004    TuX2
071    twilightsleep
002    twolves18
002    tylerdurden
008    Uranhjorten
003    urealysuc2
134    Use Your Name
005    Utero
007    Very Ape
009    veryoldguest
034    VillianInWhite
055    Vince
127    voodoochild2002
023    Waylo
010    weedfactory
031    wesman
005    Whiteman
044    Winterlief
009    woods01
008    wooha04
067    wrgaphardt
001    xcom
003    Xinutero11X
008    Xtaz
030    xxxntu
002    y2kbassist19
056    Yorick
007    you_are_denied
002    yourRAZOR
007    zaan
001    zippykitty
016    zuwadza
021    ZzubEvol

42170 hits since 11/22/2001
Top 25 Most Wanted Discs
086    Across America
075    Va Te Faire Enculer
074    Play The F***ing Guitar, Man!!
068    Banned For Life
068    Dressed For Success
064    Noizemaker
064    Outcesticide IV - Rape Of The Vaults
062    Sermon On The Mount, The
057    Bleach Out! Break Out!
057    World Without End
056    Outcesticide - In Memory of Kurt Cobain Remastered Edition
056    Outcesticide V - Disintegration
056    Tacoma 1987
054    Leer
053    Nevermind The Bollocks!
052    Fire Extinguisher
052    Outcesticide III - The Final Solution
051    Into The Black - Disc 3 - Paramount Theatre
051    Suicide Solution?
049    Outcesticide II - The Needle and the Damage Done
049    Season In Hell Part 2 Discs 2 & 3, A
048    Complete Reading Festival 1992
048    Into The Black - Disc 5 & 6 - The Last American Show
048    Season In Hell Part 1 Disc 1, A

Top 25 Most Commonly Owned Discs
278    Outcesticide III - The Final Solution
261    Outcesticide II - The Needle and the Damage Done
224    Outcesticide V - Disintegration
218    Outcesticide IV - Rape Of The Vaults
171    Roma
156    Outcesticide - In Memory of Kurt Cobain Remastered Edition
152    Outcesticide - In Memory of Kurt Cobain
140    Eternal Legacy, The
139    Out Of The Blue
138    Complete Radio Sessions, The
125    Paradiso Lost
118    Digital Nirvana
117    Trick Or Treat
116    Suicide Solution?
114    Murder By Guitar
113    Branlez-Vous
111    Grunge Is Dead
107    Before And After The Storm
100    Rape Me Again
097    Blind Pig
095    First Live Show
092    Dumb
088    All Acoustically
088    Into The Black - Disc 5 & 6 - The Last American Show

Rarity Index (readers WANTING/readers OWNING)
17.00    Radical Action
17.00    Seattle Connection Part II
16.00    Superstar Concert Series
14.00    Smell of Nirvana
08.33    Bang! You're Dead!
08.33    Tribute To Kurt Cobain Vol. 3 - Limited Rare Tracks
08.00    Come As You Are
06.60    In Memory Of "Kurdt Kobain" 2
06.50    Tribute To Kurt Cobain Vol. 2 - In Utero Demos
05.67    Europe 1992
05.33    Halloween Night
05.33    Live At the Reading Festival 1991
05.33    Nipped In The Bud
05.33    Rare Tracks Vol IV
05.25    Cow Palace
05.00    Blew
05.00    Moderate Rock
04.75    Reading Festival 1991
04.67    Early Single Collection
04.67    Megamix
04.67    Psychout Induction
04.42    Nevermind The Bollocks!
04.33    In Memory Of Kurt
04.30    Across America
03.75    Nirvana Reading 1992