xxx xx, 2025

Updated Kurt Cobain's Guitars Show-by-Show as follows:
Added further information about the Aria Pro II Cardinal Series CS-250, thanks to Jonathas Formagio.
Added further information about the Epiphone ET-270, thanks to Caio Leme.
Added guitar played 1989-07-05, thanks to Wolfgang Holman.
Added guitar played 1990-05-05, thanks to Kurt Stream.
Added guitar played 1990-08-20, thanks to Jonathas Formagio.
Added guitar played 1991-11-17, thanks to Riccardo Cogliati.

December 28, 2023

Updated Kurt Cobain's Amps & FX as follows:
Added information about the Unknown DOD.
Added information about the '63 Bassman.
Added Fender Twin Reverb.
Added Unknown Fender.
Added Unknown Ibanez soundtank, thanks to Matthias van Beek.
Added Fender Super Reverb.
Added information about the Pedal X.
Added information about the Arion Tuner, thanks to Jacob Kay.
Corrected information about the Big Muff, thanks to Jacob Kay.
Corrected information about the Randall RG-120, thanks to Jacob Kay.
Added and corrected information about the Mesa Boogie Studio Preamp, thanks to Jacob Kay.
Added information about the Unknown Power Amp, thanks to Jacob Kay.
Corrected information about the Marshall JMP50, thanks to Jacob Kay.
Corrected information about the DOD Grunge, thanks to Eric Peixoto.

March 31, 2023

Added a section detailing Kurt Cobain's Amps & FX.

Updated Kurt Cobain's Guitars Show-by-Show as follows:
Added guitar played 1991-10-16, thanks to André Romont. Added guitars played 1992-02-19, thanks to Miki Johansen.
Added further information about a Fender Telecaster, thanks to Miki Johansen.
Added guitar played 1993-11-14, thanks to Andrew Loschenko.
Added guitar played 1993-12-02, thanks to Miki Johansen.

January 28, 2023

Added guitar played 1989-04-14, thanks to Wolfgang Holman and Claudio Minotti.
Added further information about an Aria Pro II Cardinal Series, thanks to Miki Johansen.
Added guitar played 1990-08-17, thanks to Jonathas Formagio.
Corrected information about a couple of Fender Stratocasters, thanks to Miki Johansen.
Corrected information about a Fender Jaguar, thanks to Miki Johansen.
Added further information about a Fender Mustang, thanks to Caio Leme.
Corrected information about a Fender Mustang, thanks to Miki Johansen.
Added guitar played 1991-08-30, thanks to Fabian Beyer and Caio Leme.
Added guitar played 1992-07-04, thanks to Caio Leme.
Corrected information about the Univox Hi-Flier played 1993-07-23, thanks to Caio Leme.
Corrected information about a Fender Mustang, thanks to Miki Johansen.
Added guitar played 1993-10-21, thanks to Daniel Schmidt.
Added guitar played 1993-11-07, thanks to Daniel Schmidt.
Added guitar played 1993-11-10, thanks to Miki Johansen.
Corrected information about a couple of Fender Mustangs, thanks to Caio Leme.

February 2, 2021

Added a section detailing the Lighting Rider on the 1992 tour, thanks to Jonathas Formagio.
Added information about a MXR distortion pedal to Krist's page, thanks to Caio Leme.
Merged two Univox Hi-Flier listings that were found the be one-and-the-same guitar, thanks to Jonathas Formagio.
Corrected date of 1987-xx-xx show, thanks to Jonathas Formagio.
Added guitar played 1988-12-28, thanks to Jonathas Formagio.
Added further information about a Fender Mustang, thanks to Jonathas Formagio.
Added guitar played 1989-11-16, thanks to Jonathas Formagio.
Added further information about a Hondo 737, thanks to Miki Johansen.
Added further information about a home-made Mustang, thanks to Miki Johansen.
Corrected guitar played 1990-02-16, thanks to Jonathas Formagio.
Added guitar played 1990-01-02, thanks to Jonathas Formagio.
Added guitars played 1991-03-05, thanks to Jonathas Formagio.
Added further information about a Fender Stratocaster, thanks to Miki Johansen.
Added guitar played 1991-11-20, thanks to Caio Leme.
Added guitar played 1992-01-30, thanks to Jonathas Formagio.
Added guitar played 1992-02-22, thanks to Jonathas Formagio.
Added further information about a Fender Jaguar, thanks to Caio Leme.
Added guitar played 1992-06-22, thanks to Miki Johansen.
Added guitar played 1992-09-11, thanks to Caio Leme.
Added guitar played 1992-09-11, thanks to Claudio Minotti.
Added guitar played 1993-10-18, thanks to Miki Johansen.
Added further information about a Martin D-18E, thanks to Caio Leme.
Added guitars played 1993-11-27, thanks to Caio Leme.
Added guitar played 1993-11-28, thanks to Caio Leme.
Added guitar played 1993-12-02, thanks to Caio Leme.
Added guitar played 1993-12-08, thanks to Caio Leme.
Added guitar played 1994-02-27, thanks to Caio Leme.

September 7, 2018

Added guitar played 1989-10-30, thanks to Jonathas Formagio.
Added guitar played 1989-11-11, thanks to Jonathas Formagio.
Added guitar played 1990-01-12, thanks to Jonathas Formagio.
Added guitar played 1990-05-02, thanks to Jonathas Formagio.
Added guitar played 1990-08-23, thanks to Jonathas Formagio.
Added guitar played 1990-08-25, thanks to Jonathas Formagio.
Added guitar played 1990-10-27, thanks to Jonathas Formagio.
Added guitar played 1991-06-15, thanks to Jonathas Formagio.
Added guitar played 1991-11-26, thanks to Jonathas Formagio.
Added guitar played 1991-11-30, thanks to Mert Iskender.
Added guitar played 1992-02-01, thanks to Jonathas Formagio.
Added guitars played 1992-02-02, thanks to Jonathas Formagio.
Added guitar played 1992-02-21, thanks to Jonathas Formagio.
Corrected guitar played 1993-04-09, thanks to Miki Johansen.
Added guitars played 1994-02-18, thanks to Jonathas Formagio.

July 30, 2017

Added guitar played 1989-11-08, thanks to Fabian Beyer.
Corrected info re. Kurt Cobain not performing at the 1989-11-25 show, thanks to Edwin Heath and Pim Arts.
Corrected dates of 1989-02-07, 1989-10-12, 1989-10-13 and 1991-03-07 shows, thanks to Jonathas Formagio.

September 23, 2016

Added guitar played 1989-06-09, thanks to Jonathas Formagio.
Added guitar played 1989-11-21, thanks to Peter Gyarmati and Jonathas Formagio.
Added guitar played 1990-08-25, thanks to Jonathas Formagio.
Added guitar played 1990-10-27, thanks to Jonathas Formagio.
Added guitar played 1991-11-06, thanks to Jonathas Formagio.
Added guitar played 1991-11-26, thanks to Jonathas Formagio.
Added guitars played 1992-02-07, thanks to Jonathas Formagio.
Added guitars played 1993-07-22, thanks to Jonathas Formagio.
Added guitar played 1993-10-19, thanks to Jonathas Formagio.
Added guitar played 1993-12-01, thanks to Claudio Minotti.
Added guitar played 1993-12-09, thanks to Jonathas Formagio.
Added further information about two Fender Mustangs, thanks to Miki Johansen.

April 11, 2016

Added information about 3 home-made Mustangs to Cobain's page, thanks to Earnie Bailey and Miki Johansen.
Added further information about a Univox Hi-Flier to Cobain's page, thanks to Miki Johansen.
Added information about Regal Tip drumsticks to Grohl's page, thanks to Jamie Stuck.
Added information about Ernie Ball and John Pearse guitar strings to Smear's page.

December 30, 2014

Added information about a Unknown Les Paul copy to Cobain's page, thanks to Miki Johansen.

September 29, 2014

Added information about a Fender Mustang guitar to Cobain's page, thanks to Miki Johansen.

April 30, 2014

Added information about a Memphis guitar to Cobain's page, thanks to Earnie Bailey.
Added information about Chandler guitar neck to Cobain's page, thanks to Christopher Hayes.

February 7, 2014

Added information about a Washburn guitar to Cobain's page, thanks to Earnie Bailey.
Added information about a Gallien Krueger amp to Novoselic's page, thanks to Robert Dugger.

July 19, 2013

Added a section detailing Kurt Cobain's Guitars, Show-By-Show.

August 6, 2012

Added a section detailing Pat Smear's various guitar set-ups.

June 17, 2011

Added a section detailing Jason Everman's various guitar set-ups.

January 29, 2011

Added further information to Grohl's page, courtesy of Mike Dalke.

December 31, 2004

Added further information to Grohl's page.

August 14, 2004

Added a section detailing Chad Channing's various drum set-ups.

July 21, 2004

Added further information to Novoselic's page.

December 05, 2003

Added a section detailing the computer controlled system used on the 1993/94 tour.

November 27, 2003

Added photos of Novoselic's Gibson T-Bird, Gibson Ripper and speaker cabinet and Grohl's drum travel cases.

October 20, 2003

Launched the Equipment Guide!