NIRVANA guitarist, Jason Everman, talks to Alex Roberts about his guitar rig—Exclusive!
- Warmoth Stratocaster
- 1985 Warmoth Strat body with a 1980 Fender Lead II neck. Bridge pickup was a SH-1B.
- Fender Telecaster
- 1974 Fender Telecaster with a Seymour Duncan SH-1B pickup bridge, Gibson PAF (covered) neck. I made a pickguard out of a Venom At War With Satan LP. I love that album, but also tongue firmly in cheek.
- Gibson Les Paul Studio
- 1977 Gibson Les Paul Studio with a Univox humbucker in the bridge position. Kurt gave me this pickup, kind of his passive-aggressive way to make my guitar sound more like his. I tested the pickup, and it's actually as hot as a Gibson PAF, so it was more an aesthetic move than anything.
- Boss DS-1
- Distortion.
- DoD FX-17
- Wah.
- Morley Fader
- This would fade between the Marshall and the Fender, blending the two sometimes, rather than the binary A/B box.
- Marshall JCM 800 Lead Series head + Marshall 4×12 speaker cab
- For heavy/distorted sound.
- Fender Super Twin Reverb
- For clean sound.

© 2003–Present: Alex Roberts. No part of this article may be reproduced without the prior written permission of the author.