Kiss The Stone (KTS 577)
AT&T Bayfront Park Amphitheater - Miami, FL United States 11-27-93 Total CD Time 73:30 / 18 Tracks Matrix: KTS577
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Nirvana Bootography Rating: A 97% Average Reader Rating: 85% Reader Reviews
Nirvana Bootography Review: This disc is great! The artwork is great and the show is great! I love it, this has to be one of the best In Utero shows ever. The show is very energetic, and features a great Territorial Pissings. Kurt talks to the crowd quite a bit and tells the audience (after 'Serve The Servants') to throw rocks at a big neon guitar after the show. At the beginning of Jesus Wants Me For A Sunbeam' the cello is very out of tune.
The conversation that follows is hilarious:
Kurt: What's a matter shmangy?
Dave: c'mon monkey boy
Kurt: where's your monkey?
Krist: would you like to touch my monkey? (the crowd goes wild!)
Kurt: what's going on? why's that so out of tune? BREAK IT!
Krist: throw it in the smash pit!
The cello doesn't sound great throughout the song, but that doesn't matter.
I could tell a million other great things about this show, so if you don't have the chance to pick up the complete version (available on Across America), than this is a good substitute.
Review and scans donated by Yorick
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