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Made Not Born

Side Project

Song Author
Kurt Cobain

Recording Session(s)

This song is from Kurt Cobain's 1985 Fecal Matter demo tape and is described as being "...the first song of (the) demo that sounds like Nirvana."

Dale Crover believes it is called "Made Not Born," but confusion arises from the fact that the song sounds exactly like "Laminated Effect" as it was described in Come As You Are; a cross between "Stay Away" and the old MTV theme.


Alternate/Working Titles
None Documented

Common Mislabels
None Documented

Mislabels in the Bootography
None Documented

1985 - Fecal Matter demo version (2:17), partially transcribed

Johnny was a homo
Kept his body clean
Moved to San Francisco
Caught a big disease
Raped by his daddy
Tony was ???
Living like a habit?
Lucy was a lesbian...

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