t y p e |
Music Video |
d i r e c t o r |
Steve Brown, Kevin Kerslake |
d a t e |
1990, 1992 |
l e n g t h |
 Sub Pop version
a v a i l a b i l i t y
S u b P o p v i d e o
In April 1990 the band recorded "In Bloom" at Smart Studios with Chad Channing as the drummer. That same month, Steve Brown directed a music video for the song.
D G C v i d e o
In 1991 when Nevermind was made, with Grohl drumming (obviously), a second studio version of "In Bloom" was recorded. The music video was made and released in 1992, and was directed by Kevin Kerslake. The video is black and white and three different edits exist.
s o u r c e s