n o t e s
Released in theaters in 1996. The home video was released in 1998.
This documentary by Doug Pray focuses on the music of Seattle and features "Smells Like Teen Spirit" (recorded live 1991.04.17 at OK Hotel, in Seattle -- the first live performance) and "Negative Creep" (a sound clip from Bleach).
The description on the cover reads:
"Tracing the steps of grunge from its subversive inception in neighborhood basements to its global rise to the multi-million dollar pop culture phenomenon, Hype! incorporates hilarious interviews with rare concert footage of bands like Nirvana, Soundgarden, Mudhoney and the The Melvins. Filmed over three years in 24 track digital sound, Hype! casts a discriminating look on how the fuse was lit on the nothwest rock explosion."
t r a c k l i s t
- Crackerbash - Bondages
- Girl Trouble - My Hometown
- The Mono Men - Watch Outside
- The U-Men - Solid Action / Dig it a Hole
- The Fastbacks - K Street
- The Wipers - Return of the Rat
- Gas Huffer - Hotcakes
- Some Velvet Sidewalk - Mousetrap
- The Throw-ups - Eat My Dump
- Dead Moon - 54/40
- Flop - Julie Francavilla
- Green River - 10,000 Things
- TAD - Heliot
- The Melvins - Night Goat
- Blood Circus - Calling For Lisa
- Soundgarden - Nothing to Say
- Mudhoney - Touch Me I'm Sick
- Love Battery - Between The Eyes
- Coffin Break - Kill The President
- Nirvana - Negative Creep / Smells Like Teen Spirit
- Alice In Chains - Them Bones
- The Posies - Definitive Door
- The Young Fresh Fellows - Low Beat
- Seaweed - Baggage
- Gruntruck - Tribe
- The Supersuckers - I Say Fuck
- Green River - This Town
- The Gits - Second Skin
- Zipgun - The End
- Hammerbox - Where 3 is 2
- Soundgarden - Searching With My Good Eye Closed
- 7 Year Bitch - Knot
- Mark Lanegan - The River Rise
- Pearl Jam - Not for You
- The Young Fresh Fellows - Dark Corner of the World
r e l a t e d r e l e a s e s
Format |
Label |
Catalog # |
Origin |
Official |
CFP Video |
12327 |
Y |
Dutch Film Works |
GRAPH-X - 980840 |
Y |
Republic Pictures |
6700 |
Y |
r e v i e w
By Brett Robinson (originally for Opinion magazine)
"Well, I guess it's over. First Kurt died, Soundgarden broke up, and then a documentary on the whole thing. I don't think it's possible to release a documentary on a scene that no longer exists. So folks, the fat lady has sung. The 'grunge' scene is dead and gone, for the most part. Doug Pray has captured the scene as it was from about 1988-1994. Chock full of hilarious interviews and rare live footage (filmed in amazing 24-track digital sound), Hype! takes you into the clubs and backstage with the likes of Dead Moon, Fastbacks, The Melvins, Mudhoney, Soundgarden, and more.
"Finally on sale (through Republic Pictures), Hype! is the elusive movie that toured the USA in '96, playing in very few theaters. Those lucky enough to see it can now own this definitive piece of film history (that's pushing it, but this is a good flick). It truely is a great movie, given 'Two thumbs up!' by old fogies Siskel & Ebert. I myself had one opportunity to catch it in the theaters, but I missed it. Damn. I thrived off of the soundtrack to the movie (on sale thru Sub Pop Records) for many months. The music is excellent. This movie is one of the (if not THE) single most inspiring movie I have ever seen.
"The people make this movie. Charles Peterson tells us he has no idea how he got a picture of Kurt playing on his head (the pic on the back of the Teen Spirit single), that guy from the Thrown-Ups showing us that grunge is punk played backwards, and of couse Mark Arm. Mark let the cat out of the bag. He said (about Bruce Pavitt and Jon Poneman) 'They bascially gave us five chords, but they said not to use more than three of them in one song.' Oh, how true.
"Of course, the single most riveting moment of this movie (as un-cool as it is to say) was the film footage of the first-ever live performance of 'Smells Like Teen Spirit.' It can't even be desribed. It is simply the greatest 30 seconds I have ever witnessed on TV in my life. Buy this movie. Now. Hype!"