01/24/92 - Phoenecian Club, Sydney, Australia

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Nirvana's first show in Australia was rather unsurprisingly a sell out as Murray Engleheart notes. "The place, both on the upper levels and on the floor, was packed." Fans were no doubt expecting a stellar performance from a band that, at that time at least appeared to herald a new era in the music industry.

Although essentially an annex to the Nevermind shows the previous year the Pacific Rim tour does have a number of small but significant changes over the band's previous dates. The band evidently had decided on a new approach to the Australian shows, probably if nothing else to try and keep the material fresh as they wound up the touring for Nevermind. The band added All Apologies and Something In The Way to the set list and altered the tuning on their instruments, tuning them down a whole step giving the songs additional bass and bottom end. The effect being that the songs take on a slower, heavier, dare I say it… grungier sound. This is in clear evidence in the opening show of the tour.

After the initial shock of the heavier sound has sunk in the first feeling is one of disappointment it is clear that Kurt is having some difficulties with his guitar. It is clearly noticeable, that the playing is on occasions poor. Often as I was listening to the show, I turned and stared quizzically at the stereo as Kurt screwed up even simple passages to many of the songs. There is clear evidence though that this may not be down to Kurt's playing but due in part at least to technical difficulties.

The first clear evidence of Kurt's guitar problems is heard during About A Girl where the guitar cuts out for a moment. Unfortunately as the set progresses the situation only seems to be getting worse. The climax of this is during Negative Creep where Kurt's guitar cuts out completely and for about 20 seconds or so all that is left is Krist's bass and Dave's drums.

As with many Nirvana performances the band has a comic phrase to make light of these problems "What's this song called Dave?" Asks Kurt with delicate irony, subtly lightening the mood. Krist as usual chooses surrealism "Now I'm Liberache! The inside of my Rolls Royce is upholstered in pink. Pretty tasteful or what?"

Although the earlier problems may be put down to technical difficulties some of the mistakes are clearly Kurt's own. This is evidenced when Kurt completely screws up the opening chords of Territorial Pissings, though he does go a long way to redeem himself later in the song with some passionate screaming. After this the band choose to end the set with Love Buzz, an odd choice suggesting the encore was spontaneous and not previously planned.

The Verdict

Guitar problems and poor playing in places mar what otherwise would be a good set. It would seem the band's heart is in the right place even if its playing patently isn't.

Review written by Matt Seward 2002