12/31/91 - Cow Palace, Daly City, CA, US


| Transcript |

Source Format Quality Complete Length Equipment Lowest Gen
AUD #1 ANA 8.5 Yes 46 Nakamichi CM-300 + CP-1 > Sony WM-D6 ANA(M)>DAT(1)>FLAC
AUD #2 ANA 8.0 Yes 45 Unknown ANA(x)>FLAC
AMT #1 VID 7.5 No 6 Unknown VHS(2)>DVDR / VHS(2)>DVDR(1)>FLAC
AMT #2 VID 8.0 No 5 built-in > Sony (8mm) 8MM(M)>VHS(x)>FLV
Notes for AUD #2: This source was circulated in May 2005.
Notes for AMT #1: Circulated in March 2011. Includes only 'Territorial Pissings', which cuts in slightly and the ending of the show.
Notes for AMT #2: Posted on YouTube in January 2016. Includes only 'Drain You' and part of 'Aneurysm'.