04/01/90 - Cabaret Metro, Chicago, IL, US


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Source Format Quality Complete Length Equipment Lowest Gen
AUD #1 ANA 8.0 Yes 50 Sony ECM-144 > Sony WM-D3 ANA(M)>FLAC
AUD #2a ANA 7.5 No 47 Unknown ANA(4)>CDR
AUD #2b ANA 7.0 No 48 Unknown ANA(x)
Notes for AUD #1:
Notes for AUD #2a: Higher quality than AUD #2b. This source is plagued with cuts between almost every song. There are also cuts which affect the songs: 'Dive' cut in, 'Blew' fades out and there are cuts within 'Scoff' and 'Blew'.
Notes for AUD #2b: More complete than AUD #2a but is still plagued with cuts between almost every song. There are also cuts which affect the songs: 'Dive' and 'Big Cheese' cut in and has cuts in 'Scoff' and 'Blew'. Not circulating widely.