LIVE NIRVANA PHOTO HISTORY xx xx, 1992 - Fairfax, VA, US
Around 1992 my band, Whirlwind, played our Fairfax High School Battle of the Bands, as we did every year I was in high school. It was a great band that in hindsight played a big role in setting me on my path through life. Great friendships and musicianship all around. This particular year Dave Grohl, who's mom was a Fairfax County teacher, was a guest judge for the battle. This was right on the cusp of Nirvana becoming super huge mega rock stars. We took this picture backstage after the show...if memory serves I think we won that year. Anyway, it was always funny to me that our drummer woody, who may or may not have been into Nirvana at the time, or ever for that matter, had the cajones to give Dave bunny ears in the photo. It was always a great story for which I had no proof...until now! So enjoy this snapshot of my high school years...try to ignore the mullet :) or the attire, but I bet you can't.