LIVE NIRVANA PHOTO HISTORY June 27, 1992 - Copenhagen, DK
We (Denmark) had won the European Championship in football the same night Nirvana played their concert at Roskilde [Aug. 26th], so the next day, when we went to the airport to see if we could meet Nirvana, we were pretty hung over. We got there around 10 in the morning and after an hour or so, Pearl Jam, who had also played at Roskilde, showed up. Then half an hour later, we saw Dave and Krist sitting on a baggage trolley outside the airport by themselves. We talked to them and got signatures for about five minutes, then Kurt and Courtney showed up. We asked them about the show the night before (they didn’t seem to have enjoyed the show very much) and Kurt showed us his new pocket watch he seemed to like a lot. We sat talking to them for 20 minutes.
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