Filmed: 03/93
Location: 11301 Lakeside Avenue NE, Seattle, WA
Released: 05/93
Director: Kevin Kerslake
Additional Information (largely from CAYA, p.338): Shot in Kurt's garage, having filled it up with his possessions to make it look like an appartment. Filmed by Kerslake on a Super 8 camera. The child in the video is Frances Bean. Kurt made it look as if she was dancing by cutting some armholes in a big piece of cardboard, placing Frances in front of it and putting his arms through, holding her up and moving her. When MTV show the video certain shots are blurred (for example, the shot of a Maximumrocknroll poster), due to their product placement rules. In these shots Kurt's message can be seen: "INDIE PUNX STILL SUCKS". The video was made to promote 'Incesticide'.