- Hello -

Welcome to the first Collector's Union Newsletter.  If you would

like to be removed from future newsletters please send an email with the word

"REMOVE" in the subject and your email address in the body to


1. a few words about the LNCU

2. LNCU news

4. recordings we are seeking.

The Collectors Union is located at

If you have any questions or comments about this newsletter or any other LNCU

related stuff please send an email to



Many people seem to be confused about the Collector' union and

it's purposes.  We are a group of people whose sole motivation is the discovery

and circulation of obscure NIRVANA recordings.

There has been a lot of discussion lately about getting 03/01/94 (NIRVANA's final

performance), or 01/16/93 (the infamous Sao Paulo show).  Videos like these are

long shots!  Since these are guarded and kept in record company vaults, odds are

that no one will obtain these recordings unless they have some serious


Although specifically seeking out these extremely rare and desirable recordings

may prove somewhat of a wasted effort in the end, there are still hundreds of

NIRVANA concerts that have yet to surface to the trading community.  In all

likelihood, there are about a hundred or so early NIRVANA shows that we dont

even know about.  The LNCU will gather information and attempt to track down

the people who possess these recordings, and circulate them to the trading


If a person has an obscure or unsurfaced NIRVANA recording they wish to circulate

sending an email to will be the first step in accomplishing

this goal.  The LNCU will do everything in our power to meet these individuals

on all of there demands, and go out of our way to protect the privacy and rights

of the individual with the recording, as well as the band itself.  No recordings

obtained by the LNCU will EVER be sold by the LNCU.  That is a guarantee.

All recordings will be circulated by trading or by 2:1 blank trades.  Every

surfacing will be different, so nothing about the surfacing process will be set

in stone.

If you are interested in participating in the effort to surface shows, or if

you have any information about someone that may have an unsurfaced NIRVANA

recording please run your email program and send an email to

Another great way you can participate is by being part of LNCU discussions.  The

active LNCU discussion forum can be found at:

If you are wondering what exactly we are looking for there are basically two

sources to consult.

1.  For live NIRVANA concerts we are seeking it is best to consult Kris Sproul's

NIRVANA Live Guide at  This will give you an

excellent idea of what recordings we have, and therefore what we are seeking.

2.  For NIRVANA studio sessions it is best to consult the NIRVANA studio sessions

guide at



As we have tried to get things going this month there are quite a few interesting

happenings that should be mentioned in this newsletter.

-- The LNCU has decided to circulate NIRVANA's 02/01/92 performance at The

Palace in Melbourne, Australia.  This is a complete professionally mixed

soundboard recording that has been hoarded for several years.  Please do NOT

email me about this recording.  All emails will be ignored.  If you are

interested in obtaining this recording please go to the LNCU discussion forums at to find out how.  Only 10 people will receive copies at

first, and it is first-come-first-serve, so get your ass over there and get

yourself a really rare show!

-- An ANA(M) > CDR copy of NIRVANA's 02/05/92 copy has recently surfaced but is

not yet circulating.  This is a much needed upgrade since almost all copies in

circulation are sourced from some crappy unknown gen. analog.  Although this

recording is not yet circulating, it is expected to be widely available within

the next month.

-- There have been questions recently about how the LNCU will keep afloat

financially.  Many people recommended making some sort of a small fee required

for membership.  I am completely against this idea.  It is your decision whether

or not to participate in contributing funds toward a surfacing, but keep in mind,

those that do contribute get the highest quality versions of the newly

discovered shows first.

-- Some information recently came to me in the form of an email about the

unsurfaced 12/01/89 audience video.  This recording is not being traded hoarded

by the taper, but an individual (who wishes to remain anonymous) got to watch

this video and sent his notes and lots of other information.  If you are

interested in reading them please go to:

-- There has been a lot of discussion lately about forming an LNCU Government.

For now I am opposed to this idea.  An LNCU government would only create a

greater hierarchy in a trading community already plagued by "elitism."

Therefore, as creator and maintainer of the LNCU, I will act as Director of LNCU

affairs.  If at any point I feel there is a need for some sort of bureaucracy

in the LNCU, I will call for a public vote.  Until that point, lets hope things

work out like this.



Before we begin to seek recordings in newspapers, record stores, venues, and

record companies, I think it would be smart to follow up all of the leads we

have here on the internet.  I will be seeking out these videos in the comming


The odds of easily getting any of these recordings are not high, by any means...

but it cant hurt to try!

I will give full updates in LNCU newsletters and in the LNCU discussion forum.

Once this is done we will have a long series of discussions on what to do next.


Thank you very much for taking the time to read this newsletter.  Although the

LNCU is still in the formative stages, we are already 90 members strong, and

growing every day.  If you have any questions or comments about the LNCU or this

newsletter please email

Thank you for your time.

--Frank Morris--