LIVE NIRVANA INTERVIEW ARCHIVE October 30, 1991 - Vancouver, BC, CA

- Interviewer(s)
- Stu Jeffries
- Interviewee(s)
- Kurt Cobain
- Krist Novoselic
Publisher | Title | Transcript |
CBC | Good Rockin' Tonite | Yes |
Top Forty Focus | Nirvana: From Obscurity to No. 1 | Yes |
Stu Jeffries:…Canadian border crossing is, like, the hardest nut to crack, it's…
Krist Novoselic: Yeah, it's easier to get into, like, Poland than it is Canada! Yeah! [chuckles]
Jeffries: Now, this is just one trade magazine – I don't know if you're familiar with ‘Hits’ or not – but, uh, one look inside the, uh, the latest issue says that, uh, you've got a Number 1 album. So, how does it feel to go all the way to the top?
Novoselic: Uh, I don't know. It hasn't really hit us, it hasn't really had any kind of impact whatsoever – financially, emotionally. I mean, we- we made the record and now we're just kinda out doing extracurricular activities, like touring and interviews and stuff, so…
Kurt Cobain: We really don't pay attention to it…
Novoselic: No.
Cobain: …Most of the hotels we stay at, we don't have MTV, so we- we aren't even aware of how- how much we're being played on TV.
Jeffries: You guys have been receiving a whole pile of media attention, uh, lately and I'm just wondering your reaction to it – how do you feel about it?
Cobain: Well, we've already achieved everything we want to. Um, we've made a good record, we're really proud of it, so it's that really matters to us.
Jeffries: Has this new found mainstream exposure for Nirvana sort of changed the audiences that you're getting now?
Novoselic: Yeah, we've seen like, uh, new types of people at our shows. And we're- we're glad we're, like, getting into the mainstream because I think we- we are a viable alternative to what's out there. And, you know, if you're like a 14-year-old kid, maybe you'll get excited about something and see where we come from and there's a lot of other bands where we come from, you know, in the scene.
Jeffries: I tell you, I really like Nevermind! Um, it's got probably a lot more energy than- than I've heard from any disc in quite some time. Um, but what kind of musicians are you?
Novoselic: Um…
Cobain: We just like variety, you know… We're pretty much just a bar band. I think we're- we're capable enough musicians to where we can cover just about anything – we could play a Led Zeppelin song, or an AC/DC song, or a Patsy Cline song if we wanted – so, um, you know, that- that shows in our music. That's why it's so- so different.
Jeffries: With all the success you guys have been achieving, of course everybody wants a piece of you, everybody wants to get an interview – how do you feel about doing them and do you guys even like doing them?
Novoselic: Sometimes it can be trying, it can drive you crazy! Um, people… An interview is good if- if… it's up to the interviewer to make the interview… if there's, like, good questions…
Jeffries: Okay, so I can take it, are you guys getting the same questions from me that you're getting from everybody else?
Cobain: It’s okay!
Jeffries: [Laughs]
Novoselic: No, this is good! TV's good, though. TV's lot funner, I don't know why… maybe because we grew up on television?
Cobain: [inaudible]
Novoselic: Yeah, we've hardly ever done it.
Cobain: [inaudible]
© CBC, 1991
To share with you the bandwagon jumping teenage crowd, then pick up your CDs the next time they buy the latest offering from New Kids, Roxette, or Bryan Adams. One can already hear cries of “sellout!” Kurt Cobain appears not to worry about it. “People who are saying that sort of thing are people we never really wanted in our audience in the first place. They're just too fussy and picky. I mean, that's just the wrong attitude to have.” Novoselic adds, “What they're really saying is they were into us at one time cuz we were hip and cool, and now they're not into us anymore because we're a little successful? I mean, do they listen to music, or are they just into shoes and other fashion accessories? It's not like we come on TV shows wearing big floppy hats and sounding like Poison.”
Time to backtrack a wee bit. Let's get a little background. After all, Nirvana seemingly came out of nowhere and are now, as Cobain says, “a viable alternative.” “We got together four or five years ago to have some fun, yuk it up, you know, do some drinking,” says Cobain. “We were into punk rock, guys like Black Flag and Scratch Acid. We just played in this junky little house, just making a racket. Surprisingly, the neighbours never complained, probably cuz we had all these, like, statues stolen from cemeteries in our front yard. The neighbours must have thought we were, like, voodoo or something. Novoselic interjects, “We're the same now as we were back then. We're pretty much a bar band. I think we are capable enough musicians where we can cover just about anything; a Led Zeppelin song or an AC/DC song, a Patsy Cline song if we want. It shows in our music. Since the dawn of the rock era, we've all heard those dreaded four words on countless occasions: “THE NEXT BIG THING”. Think about it. How many next big things have you lived through? In my lifetime, there was pop rock, hard rock, soft rock, punk rock, disco, dance music (the latter two one and the same), heavy metal, rap, rap and heavy metal together, you name it, I, and many like me, have heard it. Or, so I thought. Enter (dare I say it?) “THE NEXT BIG THING”. It goes by the Unlikely handle of “Grunge rock”.
Grunge rock. Interesting name and one that (if one were to search Webster's) defies proper description. Suffice to say that it's a raw, tough, chewy, energy riddled form of music that's found its way to the top of Canadian charts in the form of a Seattle based band known simply as Nirvana. The top of the charts? Number 1? How in this day and age of disposable bands, drum machines, syrupy ballads and downright simplistic and predictable music could something like this happen? Were we ready for a change? Were we ripe for a takeover? Were we asleep when it happened? Are we prepared to handle it? Armed with these and a few other questions, I sat down with Kurt Cobain and Chris Novoselic of Nirvana and hoped for an answer to at least one or two of them (the questions, that is). I began with the obvious; how are they handling this new found success?
“It hasn't really hit us yet,” says Novoselic, “it hasn't had any kind of impact whatsoever, financially or emotionally.” Adds Cobain, “We really don't pay attention to it. Most of the hotels we stay at don't have MTV so we're not even aware of how much we're being played.”
Oh, come now! These guys have a #1 album. “NEVERMIND” has surpassed the wildest dreams (or nightmares, depending on who's looking at it) of even the most skeptical record label executive and radio programmer. Surely that must have an effect on, well, something??
“We've already achieved everything we want to,” says Cobain. “We've made a good record, we're proud of it, so that's all that really matters to us.” Whatever it is they are doing appears to be working and in the process they are paving the way for bands like Soundgarden and Swerve-driver to go where no “Grunge” has gone before. But hey! Isn't that what you'd expect from “THE NEXT BIG THING”?
© Stu Jeffries, 1992