Generation: Detailed video source showing original equipment used (when known). Sources recorded directly from television are noted as "TV>VHS(1)", other communities may label this as "TV>VHS(M)". MD5 checksums are included for the lowest DVD generation.
Source: Source code used to distinguish source
Length: Total length of video. It is noted as complete if all songs are present even in an incomplete form.

Transferred by: Name of person who transferred the video to DVD.
Video: Video bitrate used in transfer. Format is NTSC unless otherwise noted.
Audio: Audio bitrate used in transfer
Equipment: Details of programs and equipment used by transferor.

Screen captures from the video. Holding the mouse above the picture will give details of the specific cap, this is relevant in compilations. Click on the picture to enlarge.

Transfer Notes: Details of the specific transfer or a comparison between 2 transfers.

Set: All songs present on the DVD. Cuts are noted if any portion of the song is missing, cuts in intro/outro feedback is not noted.

Review: Review of the camera work, video quality and audio quality.

Inferior Transfers: Details of inferior transfers of the source.

Link to the LNTH to find other sources of the show that may exist.