LIVE NIRVANA GUIDE TO DVDS: "Nirvana: Egos and Icons "

Generation: TV>VHS(1)>DVDR
Source: VARIOUS - professional videos
Length: 43 mins

Transferred by: Luke Hawkins
Video: 8 mb/s MPEG2 (PAL)
Audio: MPEG

Egos and Icons Egos and Icons Egos and Icons Egos and Icons Egos and Icons Egos and Icons Egos and Icons Egos and Icons Egos and Icons Egos and Icons Egos and Icons Egos and Icons Egos and Icons Egos and Icons


Notes: Most of the interviews shown here are the same as on Kurt Cobain Remembered shown 04/94 all in shorter form. Most of the interviews are shown in short form except the August 1993 interview, which is repeated throughout the special acting as a narrative. The Hole interview is also shown in the Kurt Cobain Remembered special but appears here in slightly longer form. The biography section appears throughout the special and is subtitles over musical interludes for the most part of the promo's. All footage including the live footage is shown in part. This appears to be a recycled programme from a tribute shown in 1994.
