LIVE NIRVANA GUIDE TO DVDS: 01/23/93 - Praça da Apoteose (Hollywood Rock Festival), Rio de Janeiro, BR

Generation: BETA(M)>VHS(1)>DVDR
Source: PRO #2a - professional video "edited"
Length: 85 mins - complete

Transferred by:
Equipment: Standalone transfer.


01-23-93 01-23-93 01-23-93 01-23-93 01-23-93 01-23-93 01-23-93 01-23-93


Missing some banter and jams between songs.

Review: This is the edited version of the pro-shot video, it has some different camera angles to the uncut version. As would be expected the camera work is excellent with some great shots.

Please see the Live Nirvana Tour History for more information about the sources available for this show.