LIVE NIRVANA GUIDE TO DVDS: 11/25/91 - Paradiso, Amsterdam, NL
Generation: VHS(3)>DVDR - Text File
Source: PRO #1a - professional video
Length: 66 mins - complete
Transferred by: Mike Ziegler
Video: 7 mb/s CBR (PAL)
Audio: 48Khz PCM
Review: Excellent multi-cam pro shot video. There are very good shots of all members. The picture does appear slightly generated but the quality is still very good. The video has excellent soundboard audio.
Inferior Transfers:
VHS(2)>D8(1)>DVDR, Barry Lajnwand. (correct generation is either 3rd or 4th)
For identification purposes here is a screencap of the menu from the inferior transfer:
Please see the Live Nirvana Tour History for more information about the sources available for this show.