LIVE NIRVANA GUIDE TO DVDS: 09/27/91 - City Gardens, Trenton, NJ, US
Generation: 8MM(M)>DVDR - Text FileReview: Shot from the left of the venue, slightly ahead of the stage. The venue is fairly dark, and Dave can barely be seen behind the drums. There are some nice shots but the video is often shaky and obstructed by the audience. The picture is rather grainy and dark, and the audio is overdriven, the guitar is very distorted with the vocals low at times.
Inferior Transfers: 1: 8MM(M)>VHS(1)>DVDR, Jim Hirte.
For identification purposes here is a screencap of the menu from the inferior transfer:
Please see the Live Nirvana Tour History for more information about the sources available for this show.