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Aero Zeppelin

Nirvana Song

Song Author
Kurt Cobain
Krist Novoselic

Writing Period
mid 1987

Recording Session(s)
01/??/88 Dale Crover's bedroom - Aberdeen, WA

January 23, 1988 - Reciprocal Studios {prod by Jack Endino}

Kurt said some rather contradictory things about this song on various occasions, though the latter was likely meant as a joke.

From an early lyric sheet:

"This song is not about Aerosmith or Led Zeppelin.? It's about: The Cult, Faster Pussy Cat, Kingdom Come, Guns-n-Roses, Whitesnake, and Nirvana".

And on another occasion:

"Christ!? Yeah, let's just throw together some heavy metal riffs in no particular order and give it a quirky name in homage to a couple of our favourite masturbatory 70's rock acts."


Alternate/Working Titles

Common Mislabels
Zero Zeppelin
Abro Zeppelin

Mislabels in the Bootography
None Documented

Transcribed from official lyric sheets available at by Chris Lawrence, and sequenced to best reflect the vocals on the 1988.01.23 demo.


What's the season in a right
If you can't have anything
What's the reason in a rhyme
If a plan means everything
What's the meaning in a crime
It's a fan if anything
Where's the leaning in a line
It's a brand, it's a brand

How a culture comes again
It's a clone of yesterday
And you swear it's not a trend
Doesn't matter anyway
You're only here to talk to friend
Nothing new is everyday
You could shit upon the stage
They'll be fans, they'll be fans
They'll be fans, they'll be fans

All the kids will eat it up
If it's packaged properly
Steal a sound and imitate
Keep a format equally
Not an ode, just the facts
Where our world is nowadays
An idea is what we lack
It doesn't matter anyways

All the kids will eat it up
If it's packaged properly
Steal a sound and imitate
Keep a format equally
Not an ode, just the facts
Where our world is nowadays
An idea is what we lack
It doesn't matter anyways

From Kurt Cobain's Journals (page 54, labelled as Aeroszeppelin, transcribed by DN member BleachedBlack)

What's the season in a right
If you can't have anything
What's the reason in a rhyme
If a plan means everything
What's the meaning in a crime
It's a fan if anything
Where's the leaning in a line
It's a brand, it's a brand

How a culture comes again
It's a clone of yesterday
And you swear it's not a trend
Doesn't matter anyways
You're only here to talk to friends
Nothing new is everyday
You could shit upon the stage
They'll be fans, if you brand,
If you brand, if you brand

All the kids will eat it up
If it's packaged properly
Steal a sound and imitate
Keep a format equally
Not an ode, just the facts
Where our world is nowadays
An idea is what we lack
It doesn't matter anyways

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