US Promos
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t y p e   Box Set (aftermarket?)
l a b e l    
c a t a l o g  #    
f o r m a t   2xCD / Wood Box
l e n g t h    
m a d e  i n    
r e l e a s e d  i n    
d a t e    

q u a n t i t y
a v a i l a b i l i t y
  Out of print.

n o t e s
  The wood box is 25 cm x 15 cm x 3 cm and contains:

The Lithium CD was not released with inserts, so there aren't any in this box either.  The matrix code is identical to copies not distributed in this box.

Nevermind, It's An Interview was originally released in a digipak, but in this box the digipak has been cut up and slid into the box.  The matrix code is the same as individual copies, except it lacks a tiny logo of a circus tent.

Has this item been the victim of a mistaken identity?  For years this box was listed as an official item, or at least that's how it seemed because it was attributed to DGC/Geffen as a 1992 release.  But the fact that two promo CDs are included and publications mentioned this box may have created a false sense of security and some of the highest prices in Nirvana collecting.

Some of the features, or more accurately the lack of, have made us rethink the status of this item:

  • · The box is completely lacking proper credits; DGC and/or Geffen are not listed, there is no catalog number, or copyright information.  Yes, the CDs are official, but the lack of credits on the box is suspicious.

    · The certificate also lacks any indications that DGC/Geffen produced this item.

    · As noted above, the Nevermind, It's An Interview "insert" is actually the dissected original digipak.

    · The box itself is similar to other known aftermarket boxes, including Bleach/Nevermind and boxes made with CDs of other bands.

    · Infomation that US Promos was official probably originated in older publications which have proven to be unreliable for some other items.

    · Someone once reported they were offered this box, but without the Lithium CD.  Instead, a Come As You Are promo CD was in the box.  (This is mentioned as possible evidence that the aftermarket distributors ran out of Lithium discs.)

If anyone received this box from an official source (e.g., a DGC/Geffen employee that actually said it was official), knows someone that can provide info, or have info yourself, please contact me.

Before this page sends owners into a frenzy, there are a few other points that need to be mentioned, ones that may indicate this actually is an official release from DGC/Geffen:

  • · If the box had interview discs or albums, it'd be easy to understand how someone gathered so many discs.  But 200 promo CDs, how can that be explained?  It's not a stretch to assume that at the very least someone had connections to the label, the band's management, or some tie that allowed easy access to releases which the general public usually does not have.

    · It may be because Guns 'N' Roses were a popular band, too, but there is a GNR box similar to US Promos.  One could argue that both Nirvana and GNR were DGC/Geffen artists, thus it would make sense that similar boxes existed.  However the GNR wood box (Illusions) lacks the same details as listed above and is considered to be unofficial by one GNR fan/source.

Conclusion: There is a slight chance that the box is official, but unless someone comes forward with information that can be confirmed, I think everyone will have to change how they view this item.  It's always going to be rare, but I would imagine that most people will no longer find it as valuable as sales in the last few years have suggested.

Update: 2001.11.10
Erik H. writes:

  • "I have made a few inquiries into the box's authenticity here in London.  I went to some of the famous buy/sell/trade shops and bootleg dealers in Camden, London, and all I got to hear was that the box is in no way official, but indeed a post-market release."

m a t r i x   ( L i t h i u m )
  38 PRO CD 4429-2 SRC+02 M1S1

m a t r i x   ( N e v e r m i n d ,   I t ' s   A n   I n t e r v i e w )
  38 PRO CD 4382-2 SRC*01 M1S2

s o u r c e s
  Joris Baas, Niklas H., Jim Hirte, Anders "Andy" Leirvik, Leisa Mayes, Nirvana, Nick Smith, Shawn Turner, Enrico Vincenzi, D.J. Watson


Digital Nirvana