1992 MTV Video Music Awards
t y p e   Television Performance
d a t e   1992.09.09
l o c a t i o n   Los Angeles, California
n e t w o r k   MTV
d i r e c t o r   Bruce Gowers
l e n g t h   5 min.

a v a i l a b i l i t y
  Audio: See The Bootography and their section that lists performances by date.

Video: Find a trader that has the original broadcast with intro.  On subsequent airings, MTV edited the intro out of the show.

t r a c k l i s t
  1. Lithium

n o t e s
  The song starts with a brief "Rape Me" intro to scare MTV executives.  Towards the end, Novoselic's bass cuts out so he tosses it into the air only to have it hit him in the head on the way down.  Bravo!  To finish things off, Grohl taunts Axl Rose.

One way to get a copy of this is to tape MTV the next time they decide to air a special on Nirvana or pat themselves on the back/waste time due to a lack of programming with a retrospective look at past awards shows.  (The last time such a special ran, MTV played an interview with Novoselic over the end of the performance.)

MTV has a tendency to put performances from their various shows into rotation at later dates.  That probably happened with this song, too, but I'm not sure.

s o u r c e s
  Chris Lawrence, The Nirvana Live Guide


Digital Nirvana