Live From The MTV Studios
t y p e   Television Performance
d a t e   1992.01.10
l o c a t i o n   New York City, New York
n e t w o r k   MTV
d i r e c t o r   Milton Lage
l e n g t h   40 min. (semi-complete*)

a v a i l a b i l i t y
  Video: Find a trading partner.

t r a c k l i s t
  1. On A Plain (soundcheck)
  2. Sifting jam (soundcheck, Grohl only)
  3. Stain (soundcheck)
  4. Drain You**
  5. School
  6. Molly's Lips
  7. Polly**
  8. Aneurysm
  9. Smells Like Teen Spirit**
  10. Territorial Pissings**

n o t e s
  There really isn't a title for this appearance, but when videos of some of the songs are shown, look for "Live From The MTV Studios" in the on-screen credits at the beginning and end of each video.**

* The semi-complete session surfaced in early 1998.  (It's listed as semi-complete because there are a few cuts.  It's not one continuous video of the session.)

** MTV aired some of the songs in the past, most notably on the tribute to Kurt Cobain.  I'm not positive, but the videos may have also been put into rotation.


Digital Nirvana