Live From The MTV Studios |
t y p e |
Television Performance |
d a t e |
1992.01.10 |
l o c a t i o n |
New York City, New York |
n e t w o r k |
d i r e c t o r |
Milton Lage |
l e n g t h |
40 min. (semi-complete*) |
a v a i l a b i l i t y
Video: Find a trading partner.
t r a c k l i s t
- On A Plain (soundcheck)
- Sifting jam (soundcheck, Grohl only)
- Stain (soundcheck)
- Drain You**
- School
- Molly's Lips
- Polly**
- Aneurysm
- Smells Like Teen Spirit**
- Territorial Pissings**
n o t e s
There really isn't a title for this appearance, but when videos of some of the songs are shown, look for "Live From The MTV Studios" in the on-screen credits at the beginning and end of each video.**
* The semi-complete session surfaced in early 1998. (It's listed as semi-complete because there are a few cuts. It's not one continuous video of the session.)
** MTV aired some of the songs in the past, most notably on the tribute to Kurt Cobain. I'm not positive, but the videos may have also been put into rotation.