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a v a i l a b i l i t y
n o t e s
While it's old news to some, text on page 225 does explain a heated issue:
"Also in May (1996), someone gave Seattle radio station 107.7 The End a tape of Kurt and Courtney signing a duet of 'Asking For It.' The tape was from the Live Through This studio sessions, during which Kurt had sung backup vocals on several songs. Back in 1995, discussing Kurt's influence on her own music, Courtney has said, 'My feeling has always been, put lyrics on top of every single note. I learned a lot about space from Kurt, and a lot about harmonies. There are harmonies all over [Live Through This] that are Kurt's...you can hear him on 'Pee Girl'...'
"In an unauthorized and unflattering biography of Courtney published in 1996, author Melissa Rossi cited a rumor that Kurt had written most or all of the songs on Live Through This, and that a demo tape still existed of him playing and singing them. Courtney's detractors took the 'Asking For It' tape as proof of this rumor, even though this version of the song was obviously not from any such demo tape; it was studio-quality.
"In fact, this version of 'Asking For It' had been recorded because Courtney had hoped to release it as a single, and she knews fans would enjoy hearing her and Kurt together. After his death, she had abandoned the idea."
r e v i e w s
by nirvanadiscography.com
From the perspective of someone that doesn't really follow Courtney Love or Hole, this biography seems to do a fairly thorough job of describing the controversial rock star. At times the book may be boring to those that favor Nirvana, but it has a few entertaining moments and is able to provide a more balanced look at Love than some other books have offered. (Some could interpret that as being too Courtney-friendly.)