Smells Like Teen Spirit Drain You Aneurysm School Floyd The Barber About A Girl Polly Lithium Sliver Breed In Bloom Negative Creep On A Plain Blew Love Buzz
Live Nirvana Bootography Rating: F 35%
Live Nirvana Bootography Review: Another incomplete Amsterdam 1991 performance, from the radio broadcast of the soundboard recording. This release is missing both the infamous 'Come As You Are' rendition as seen on the 'Live! Tonight! Sold Out!!' official video, and the set closer, 'Territorial Pissings'. Collectors should therefore avoid this title in favor of the complete release 'Paradiso Lost'.
This particular disc scores particularly poorly because all the featured songs are on one track. Furthermore, the tracks are slightly out of order.
There is also a Cassette of this release
'Blew' is mislabled as 'Blue' on the back cover.
Mislabels: "On A Plain" Labeled As "On A Plane"
"Blew" Labeled As "Blue"