Live Nirvana Bootography Review: **The 10-29-89 performance is cloned from the disc "Wired"
This is a solid show... Too bad the disc is missing the first track "School" and the Stain Jam that is between "Mr. Moustache" & "Negative Creep." The sound is an above average audience recording and includes a great performance of the unreleased "Token Eastern Song".
Instead of including the 12-3-89 show from "Wired" as well, this disc has various live tracks as filler. "Over the Rainbow" would have been much better if they had just cloned the entire "Wired" disc instead of replacing the second incomplete show with various live tracks.
This disc is acceptable for the 10-29-89 show until you can pick up "Wired." "Wired" is the preferred of the two because part of the 12-3-89 show is better than the filler you get on this disc. "Over the Rainbow" isn't bad, it's just not as good as "Wired", which is relatively easy to find.