Live Nirvana Bootography Review:
Nice idea for a compilation, collect together all the Nevermind -era demos and sessions in one place, and the quality of all the tracks is good (the 4/90 tracks were probably lifted from "Murder By Guitar" as In Bloom Fades in), but i have to say 11 tracks is a bit short, I can think of other tracks that could have gone on here. Having said that, its nice enough for what it is. "Here She Comes Now" is a nice un-butchered Pre - "With the lights out" version and is certainly an acceptable subsititute if you can't find "Heaven And Hell".
Track 10 is from the John Peel Session of September 91, a better sounding and more complete version exists in trading circles but these versions are better than on most bootlegs.
Aneurysm is lifted from the "Smells Like Teen Spirit" CD Single.
An 11-track CD version (with Endless Nameless from the Peel Session) is also in existence, its safe to assume that this release was created by the people who made "Bleach Sessions".