There are several methods by which one can obtain NIRVANA bootlegs on all formats:
This is the most popular and preferred method of obtaining NIRVANA bootleg recordings. With the
popularity of the internet people have found the process of trading to be increasingly easier.
Trading is done through the mail between two individuals who each have something the other wants.
No money changes hands in a trade, therefore it is NOT illeagal. Traders also
have a greater variety of material than Bootleg CD manufacturers.
Often when a trader has nothing to offer in return they choose to purchase NIRVANA bootlegs.
Although it is against the law to sell bootlegs most traders (especially those just starting
out) don't mind selling to help out newer traders when necessary. Average prices for NIRVANA
It should be stressed that the sales of bootlegs is 100% illegal. This section is only listed here to prevent individuals from paying too much for a potential recording (CDRs of the Fake Fecal Matter demo still sell for hundreds of dollars on eBAY).
2:1s AND 3:1s (aka blank trades)
This method is most preferred by traders with smaller collection, seeing as it doesn't really
turn a significant profit, but still allows trading to pay for itself. Often traders are willing
to trade 1 NIRVANA CD-R for 2 Blank CD-Rs. This same ratio usually applies to VHS Video Cassettes
and Analog Cassettes as well. Sometimes traders who don't have time to do 2:1s are willing
exchange one of there NIRVANA CD-Rs for 3 Blank CDs. This trade ratio isn't unheard of but
anything higher than a 3:1 (Blank) trade is usually frowned upon.
If searching for originals (See Dynamics of a "Bootleg") or looking
to purchase NIRVANA bootlegs on any other format Auction services are usually a good alternative.
The most popular of these are eBAY and
Yahoo!Auctions. Although eBAY does have a
user feedback and rating system, unfortunately it is essentially not any safer than buying
through individuals. One service that adds some security for the buyer is
Pay Pal. Pay Pal offers a plethora of services
for the average buyer that protects them from getting ripped off in many of cases.
If you have a newsgroup provider and reader some great places to look for traders are,, If you don't have a newsgroup reader,
or if you are simply trying another approach you might also want to post in
Digital Nirvana Trader's Forum,
Nirvana Internet Fan Club "Swap Meet" Forum.
Posting messages all of those places above are sure to yield dozens of responses in less than
24 hours. Looking through other trader's references lists can at times also yield positive
results. is also a great
way to find traders all over the globe.