> Hall of Fame > Mike Ziegler
Mike Ziegler

Mike Ziegler gets the gold medal as far as his contributions to the NIRVANA bootleg trading community go. As well as being the only trader on the internet to posess a copy of the famed Fecal Matter demo, Mike is best known for having maintained The Happening NIRVANA Archive. His contributions through this vehicle have been numerous.
As maintainer of The Happening Mike maintained documents such as The Interactive NIRVANA Concert Chronology, The Original NIRVANA FAQ, The Rare Songs FAQ, The Articles and Interviews Archive, The NIRVANA Live FAQ, NIRVANA's Greatest Mysteries, and in addition, he is also the creator and maintainer of The NIRVANA Venues Guide.
One little-known contribution Mike has made to the internet NIRVANA world is in the form of pictures. A notable fraction of pictures found on the internet today (of course not the ones on this site!) were scanned by Mike Ziegler.
As if that were not enough, Mike is singlehandedly responsible for surfacing the 01/01/91 session tape, 05/13/90 complete, 10/06/91, 10/11/90, 02/11/90, and the 11/27/93 video. He has also played a large role in surfacing numerous other NIRVANA recordings and upgrades.
Mike is probably the internet's most prestigious NIRVANA trader of all time, possessing an arsenal of NIRVANA recordings that goes unparalleled by any trader in the universe. salutes you, Mike Ziegler!