> Hall of Fame > John Loughney
John Loughney

Back when the NIRVANA trading community was just getting started, John created a document that endured for years (eight at this point) as an essential source of information that every trader would learn by heart. The NIRVANA Recording Sessions Guide and Song List, created by John in 1994, is most importantly a well organized and comprehensive document that provides an incredible amount of information about all of NIRVANA's known recording sessions.
Although sadly not maintained since 2000, his document set a very high standard for future online and published sessions information, and all such works, including LiveNIRVANA's Sessions Guide, owe a great deal to John's meticulous research conducted over many years.
As well as singlehandedly creating and maintaining this guide, John has played a large role in surfacing a number of shows, including but not limited to 05/02/92 (Frank Morris's personal favorite!) and 10/21/93. John continues to this day to help the community behind the scenes to surface new upgrades. John's guide is currently hosted at Digital Nirvana. salutes you, John Loughney!