LIVE NIRVANA TOUR HISTORY:09/25/90 - KAOS Olympia Community Radio (The Boy Meets Girl Show), Olympia, WA, US
[Cobain noodles on his guitar]
Johnson - "Kurt Cobain's here, you know, Kurt Cobain from Aberdeen. What's going on baby?"
Cobain - "Not a damn thing!"
Johnson - "I see"
Cobain - "How are you?"
Johnson - "I'm pretty groovy"
Cobain - "Did I ask you that?"
Johnson - "Um ... not really"
Cobain - "Oh"
Johnson - "Er ... I was er ... I was fine. I was just hanging out here on the Boy Meets Girl show and er ... you called up and said, I wanna play some songs ..."
Cobain - "This is true"
Johnson - "So I said rockin' good news!"
Cobain - "Bloody brilliant!"
Johnson - "so er... what's going on, got some new tunes? Are you gonna share 'em with us or what?"
Cobain - "Yes I'm gonna share some new tunes with you"
Johnson - "Cool!"
Cobain - "And everyone else, erm ... I just wrote most of the lyrics this evening"
Johnson - "On the ... in the car on the way up here?"
Cobain - "While I was driving with one foot"
Johnson - "Uh huh!"
Cobain - "Wanted it to be as spontaneous as possible, you know ... so erm ... erm ... yeah, that's what I did and I just thought I would just come here and say hi!"
Johnson - "Well let it rip!"
Cobain - "OK"
[Cobain starts to strum 'Opinion', but stops]
Cobain - "Oh, this song's called Opinion"
Cobain - "Don't you think that song sounds like Taxman?"
Johnson - "Nothing sounds like Taxman after I heard the Jam doing erm ... Start, hear any of that song?"
Cobain - "Er ..."
Johnson - "sounds exactly like Taxman, so I mean... you couldn't even come close to sounding like Taxman like the Jam was like Taxman"
Cobain - "Oh well, you know, there's a song called Mr Cigarette Man by Herman's Hermits"
Johnson - "I haven't heard that one"
Cobain - "Boy oh boy ... Oh, and here's a song that was ... that's gonna be on ... our new album"
Johnson - "Who's new album?"
Cobain - "On Nirvana's new album and it's called Lithium and I'll play it"
[Cobain starts to play Lithium and stops after a few notes]
Cobain - "Is it sounding OK?"
Johnson - "Sounds really good"
Johnson - "Good"
[all circulating versions of this radio broadcast cut off half way through the song]