LIVE NIRVANA GUIDE TO DVDS: 06/28/92 - Kalvøyafestivalen, Kalvøya, Sandvika, Oslo, NO

Generation: MASTER>DVDR - MD5 Checksum (Master format unknown)
Source: AMT #1 - amateur video
Length: 67 mins

Transferred by: unknown, re-authored by Stefan Mathiasson
Video: (PAL)
Equipment: Phillips standalone recorder, re-authored with DVD Lab.


06-28-92 06-28-92 06-28-92


Review: Coming soon.

Inferior Transfer: VHS(2)>DVDR, Francisco Ortiz
For identification purposes here is a screencap of the menu from the inferior transfer:


Please see the Live Nirvana Tour History for more information about the sources available for this show.