The Live Nirvana Bootography aims to catalogue and review all Nirvana bootlegs that have been made available commercially: ie. unofficial, factory-pressed releases (such as silver-bottomed CDs) which contain live performance and studio sessions by the band.
For each bootleg the guide includes:
In the past commercial bootlegs used to be the main source of live shows and studio sessions. Today thanks to the efforts of the trading community most shows available in better quality and for free in trading circles. However, the bootography remains an invaluable source of information about bootlegs, which have become collectibles in their own right and some still do contain the best and/or only sources of certain NIRVANA shows. For a complete picture we strongly recommend reading the Live Nirvana Tour History, the Audiophiles' Guide and our Sessions History alongside the Bootography.
The guide is the result of years of pioneering and painstaking work by Mitch Vassar, Cory Brookshire and the readership of the DigitalNIRVANA website (now defunct). The guide is now hosted and maintained by LiveNIRVANA as an invaluable source of information for collectors.
IMPORTANT NOTE: this guide is provided for information purposes only. Live Nirvana does not support, condone or endorse the manufacture, sale and distribution of unauthorised releases.
CO-MAINTAINED BY: Pierre Leroy and Tim Bucknall with additional research by Vince Dome and the collaboration of Javier Díaz.
CONTRIBUTORS: The members of
LAST UPDATED: March 31, 2012
Copyright © 2001-2002 Mitch Vassar. Copyright © 2003 - Present: Adam Andrews and Charles Furth
All rights reserved.